
Tales of zestiria wiki atakk voice actor
Tales of zestiria wiki atakk voice actor

tales of zestiria wiki atakk voice actor

You'll Here's a chart of what the currency looks like, as well as what items to you'll want from the Event Shop. There's two types of currency: a "low tier" currency and a "high tier" currency, and you'll get more of one or the other depending on what characters you use farming the quest, as well as what artes they have equipped. The hardest, yet most rewarding quest is at the very bottom of the quest list. What this means is after clearing the quest, you can use dedicated farming quests at the bottom of the list (costing 40 AP and 80 AP) to farm for currency, which you'll then use in the event shop. The Crestoria event uses Rays' standard Event Shop format. Tales of Triverse Unison Attack Online Co-Op period

tales of zestiria wiki atakk voice actor

Tales of The Rays x Crestoria Summer Event And with that, here's a timeline to refer back to as you play this event.


Of course, you'll have to do a little more to gear them up with a full moveset. Simply playing through the event will give you Kanata, Misella, their personal skits and also their free Mirrage Artes. Just navigate to the event tab to find the quests for the Crestoria summer event. Of course, you don't need to interact with the gacha just to recruit Kanata and Misella. The Arte and Costume previews will be at the bottom of this article. Marcus and Baldr also get new 5* Master Artes, filling out the banner with both Rays and Crestoria characters. The returning featured characters in this event are, fittingly enough, Rays original characters! Nazar and Mercuria join in with a seasonal Crossover Mirrage Arte, which is a first for Rays. Seasonal event themes have been rare lately, so this is welcome. Something that may be a little more surprising for Rays players is that the event is actually also a Summer themed event.

Tales of zestiria wiki atakk voice actor